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Investing in Our Future Leaders


At Alexandria Industries, we strive to build meaningful relationships with the youth in our communities. This is crucial for one simple reason…today’s youth represent our future—our future innovators, manufacturers, customers, and even our employees.

Last fall, we were approached with the opportunity to work with the Alexandria Area High School’s (AAHS) advanced marketing students. The high school selected Alexandria Industries – one of two organizations in Alexandria – to test-drive its Capstone Project (CAPs) program. The program is designed to have local businesses work with senior students on a project that is intended to educate them about different industries, while giving them a real-world experience.

In January, we met five students who we divided into two groups to work on two projects. One group would create a 50-year anniversary celebration video and the second group took on building a recruitment video for our company.

Initially, we spent time brainstorming and understanding the objectives for each video. We needed to make sure that when the projects were completed, we could determine how successful they would be.

For the 50-year anniversary celebration video our intention was to be sure we share what we do and what employees think about working here. We also wanted to educate others on our company and our culture.

For the recruitment video, we really wanted to communicate what manufacturing is about and dispel the misperceptions people have—that manufacturing is dirty, low paying, repetitive, and labor-intensive. We also wanted to get feedback from these soon to be graduates regarding their perspectives on job searching, and social media avenues they would recommend we use for the video.

Once we decided our objectives, and the steps to get the work done, we spent time discussing manufacturing. This was eye opening for the students because for many it was their first real in-depth exposure to the world of manufacturing.

Let the Creation Begin

The students captured video of the manufacturing processes at Alexandria Industries and conducted video interviews of  employees. This portion of the projects gave the students, and our employees, the opportunity to share the details about working in manufacturing from their own perspectives. It also gave the students a chance to learn directly from employees what it is like to work at Alexandria Industries.

From there, the students took the clips they captured, and headed back to the school to edit, adjust, merge, crop, and build the final videos.

A Formal Affair

On a sunny day in early June, we met with the five soon-to-be-graduates, along with their two advisors. Polished and proud, the students could hardly wait to share their accomplishments. Through determination, hard work and many hours spent editing digital media, the final videos were great—especially knowing that their previous experiences in video creation were limited. To see the videos, visit our Alexandria Industries YouTube channel (

Everybody Wins

Educating students about what we do and who we are was a huge benefit to their learning. They came away with new knowledge about an industry they have never been exposed to, while learning the purpose of  videos for marketing purposes., and beyond this, the process to create these videos.

Given the opportunity to work with these students on their project was a huge positive for Alexandria Industries, as well. Developing new relationships, sharing our stories, and watching them learn about what it is really like to work in manufacturing, has been a great experience for everyone involved.

This is exactly why we value investing in our future leaders. Someday, they will be the people and the businesses on the other end of the camera talking about why what they do matters.

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