Workplace Ministry

Workplace ministry is a reflection of our core values as a company. The chaplains at Alexandria Industries focus on the soul-care of our people. It is our hope that we grow our company’s strong faith foundation, and live out our faith value through connection, counseling and care.


Connecting is about establishing strong relationships. Our lives are woven together by common experiences of happiness and sadness, strength and struggle, tragedy and triumph, and lots of everyday living. We need each other. Relationships help us to stretch and mature. Every relationship requires positive communication to grow. One important task of our chaplains is to visit with employees, to offer encouragement, and to build friendship and trust.


It’s our desire that Alexandria Industries would be a place where deep questions are expressed and explored. It is healthy for us talk about our dreams and hopes, our marriages and families, our culture and world. We want to engage in those conversations. The Bible has a wealth of practical wisdom to offer us about relationships, community life, service, leadership, compassion, money, property, justice, and care of creation. Our chaplains are available to provide Christian counseling and resources for our employees and their families. We also offer faith-based growth groups for those who want to participate in a small-group setting.


Caring for others requires getting beyond good intentions; moving past sympathetic thoughts to authentic acts of compassion. At Alexandria Industries, our care team provides tangible expressions of support to those who are experiencing difficult struggles and significant life-events. We provide blessing bags to people who are hospitalized or critically ill, to those who have lost a loved one, or to families who are celebrating the birth or adoption of a child. Another vital way in which we offer care is through our prayers. Our more than 100-strong, prayer-team warriors, pray for the concerns of our coworkers and friends, while honoring all confidentialities.
Although our values are based on the Christian faith, we are also a faith-friendly company. Our employees come from different backgrounds. We aim to respect, understand and be kind to followers of other faiths, and to those who choose not to practice religion at all.
It is our shared hope to make a difference in the lives of our coworkers and their families, in our industry, in our community and in our world. We believe that by practicing faith and integrity in our thoughts, words and actions we can provide excellent products and service, while also bringing salt and light to the global marketplace. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world…Let your light so shine before men and women that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
If you have a prayer need, please feel free to let us know. If we can be of assistance to you, or if you have an interest in knowing more about workplace ministry, please contact our Corporate Chaplain Randy Hansen at or (320) 762-7678.
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