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So Many Things to Talk About!

To serve as a leader in the manufacturing sector, it is critical that Alexandria Industries share news that is important to our customers and industry partners. The articles below – featured in national, regional, local, business and trade media – offer expert, third-party insight into industry trends and issues.
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Community Spotlight: Fishing For the Cure

KIK-FM Radio | February 13, 2023

Alexandria Industries' Nancy Waldorf and Robbie Betterman go live on KIK-FM radio with DJs Kris and Chelsea to talk about the 16th Annual Fishing For the Cure Ice Fishing Challenge and what this special event is all about and how important it is to our community.

Alexandria's New Aluminum Extrusion Press Line

Light Metal Age | August 16, 2021
Alexandria Industries New Aluminum Extrusion Press Line

Alexandria Industries completed an investment project at its operations in Alexandria, MN, where the company has expanded its manufacturing space, installed a new 7 inch, 26 MN front-loading extrusion press line with advanced automation capabilities, and added a new front office and entry. The new press line allows the company to increase its capacity and extrude harder alloys,...

Values Play: Alexandria Industries Meets Labor Shortage The Hard Way

Chief Executive Magazine | February 2, 2021
Alexandria Industries Hires on Values

The pandemic came and may be on its way out soon, but it didn’t change one fundamental thing for Alexandria Industries: The company needs more workers, and needs them badly. So CEO Tom Schabel is trying to navigate Alexandria’s shortage of labor while keeping some other important things in mind, too. “I’m spending every waking moment trying to figure out how to satisfy...

COVID-19 and the Manufacturing Worker Shortage

Manufacturing Engineering ( | January 29, 2021
Alexandria Industries workforce shortage in manufacturing

We need no reminder that 2020 was shockingly different from any year we have experienced before. Each of us could probably name several struggles we’ve endured. For those of us in the manufacturing industry, however, this challenging time has generated opportunities to resolve our ongoing worker shortage issue.

Supplier Financial Health Check Part III: Now is the time for manufacturers to reshore

The FABRICATOR | June 29, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on many manufacturers’ supply chains as global borders closed and shipments slowed. Now that U.S. consumers are realizing the true value of domestically manufactured products, OEMs have the opportunity to reshore their products with U.S. suppliers while also attracting consumers looking for U.S.-made goods. This article is part of a three-part...

Supplier Financial Health Check, Part II: Supply Chain Clairvoyance a Must for Manufacturers

The FABRICATOR | June 23, 2020
Alexandria Industries, aluminum extrusion, aluminum extruder, machining, fabricating

The manufacturing supply chain will continue to evolve during and after the coronavirus pandemic. Now is the perfect time for manufacturers to evaluate suppliers to ensure they can meet production needs when COVID-19 has passed. This article is part of a three-part series about checking your supplier's business health. See Part I here: Supplier financial health check, Part 1:...

From Industrial Widgets to Hospital Goods: COVID-19 Forces Minnesota Factories to Pivot

Star Tribune | June 8, 2020

From Industrial Widgets to Hospital Goods: COVID-19 Forces Minnesota Factories to Pivot. Reporter Dee DePass shares stories about Minnesota manufacturers, including Alexandria Industries, in this article about how, Industrial factories statewide have shifted into hospital mode, saving jobs in the process.

Engineering For Success

Aluminium International Today | May 30, 2020
Alexandria Industries, Aluminum Extrusion, Dimensioning and Tolerance

Five tips to use dimensioning and tolerance in the design stage. In today’s fast-paced manufacturing industry, it can be difficult to set aside time to define tolerances for a new aluminium extruded component design. Pressed for time, OEM design engineers often default to title block tolerances. This might save a little time, but it risks adding unnecessary cost to the part due to...

Supplier Financial Health Check, Part 1: Manufacturers Must be Careful During COVID-19 Crisis

The FABRICATOR | May 29, 2020

COVID-19 has exposed weak links in the global supply chain, and product manufacturers are taking notice. As the virus runs its course, many manufacturers will likely have suppliers that do not survive. Being confident in your suppliers’ stability needs to be more than a gut-check today. You will need to dig in and conduct your due diligence to understand your suppliers’ financial...

Alexandria Industries Raises $75,000 for Relay for Life

Voice of Alexandria | February 20, 2020
Alexandria Industries Fishing For the Cure

The organizers of the Alexandria Industries’ Fishing For the Cure Ice Fishing Challenge raised a whopping $75,000 for Relay for Life of Douglas County. Patty Hoffman says they also had record-breaking attendance with 1,436 entry ticket holders. The event was held out on Smith Lake near Nelson on Saturday February 15th. This is the 14th annual fundraising fishing event that Alexandria...

Not So Heavy Metal Tour Hits Alexandria

The annual statewide Tour of Manufacturing running through October featured Alexandria Industries’ Not So Heavy Metal Tour on Saturday morning. Alexandria Industries’ director of organizational development Lynette Kluver stated that this tour functions to highlight manufacturing careers within the community via local businesses and the Alexandria Technical and Community College. Part of this event’s goal is to inform the public on several misconceptions of manufacturing as a profession.

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Alexandria Industries Among Rural Minnesota Businesses Short on Workers

Good news at Alexandria Industries in Douglas County, the heart of the Minnesota manufacturing mecca. The aluminum fabrication company, which employs 480 in the Alexandria area, is investing several million dollars to expand its production and warehouse space. The bad news: The privately held firm, which has long surpassed pre-recession revenue and employment levels, is struggling to fill the 50 jobs that are open or anticipated over the next six months at $15 to $30 an hour, plus benefits.

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Building a Manufacturing Workforce

The following article was published in The FABRICATOR magazine (July 2015) By Dan Davis, Editor-in-Chief Alexandra Industries, a producer and fabricator of aluminum extrusions in Alexandria, Minn., recognized the need to get involved in the local school district to boost the image of manufacturing in the eyes of students. But it didn’t just volunteer to send over speakers. It heavily influenced the curriculum at the new high school and donated new manufacturing technology. “Where will I ever use this after I graduate?” It’s a student refrain that high school teachers hear on a consistent basis. Real-world examples can be offered as evidence of the necessity of these educational lessons, but sometimes the message is lost because the messenger and environment aren’t reflective of the world outside the high school campus. That’s slowly changing in certain school districts across the U.S. as local companies become more involved in offering their employees

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Business-Education Partnership Works in Alexandria, Minn.

Alexandria, Minn., has a strong business/education partnership that can serve as a model for other communities. That’s what Al Sholts, chief operating officer of Alexandria Industries, and Laura Urban, president of the Alexandria Technical and Community College (ATCC) told the Civic Caucus in an interview released last week.

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Things to Consider When Selecting an Aluminum Extrusion Supplier

As the solar market continues to grow, managing logistics and supply chains are essential in order to stay competitive. Working with suppliers, including aluminum-extruded racking system suppliers, can add value beyond the cost of parts, help reduce risk, keep construction timelines on schedule, and improve site installation quality.

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Aluminum Extrusion Increases Options to Optimize the Supply Chain, Part 2

Extruded aluminum continues to gain traction as a mainstream OEM choice for designing, engineering, and producing component parts. The alloy and the technique have marched aggressively through the awareness and understanding phases and are now solidly in adoption territory. Frequently, aluminum extrusion is an institutionalized supply chain strategy for optimizing design and engineering, reducing manufacturing costs, and accelerating time to market.

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Workforce Training is Job One

Workforce development is one of the top issues facing U.S. manufacturers and many other industries today. Believe it or not, the United States has a shortage of skilled workers—preparing a workforce with the advanced skills required in the 21st century is Job One in the competition for new projects.

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Things You Should Know About Aluminum Extruded Medical Components

Company representatives from Alexandria Industries are quick to point out the advantages that aluminum offers medical device OEMs over other materials that they might be considering for their components. With proper finishing, including anodizing and hardcoating, they say, aluminum products are less porous and cleaner than stainless steel. And the inert chemical compounds in aluminum, combined with proper finishing, are said to help prevent corrosion and chemical absorption – a major key to preventing contamination and easing the cleaning process in medical care applications.

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Internal Development

Alexandria Industries uses its ambitious in-house Leadership Academy to accommodate growth and plan for succession.

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