For those who choose it, practicing our faith in God at work is intended to help us be our best. While we strive to live every day in our faith, being patient, kind, caring, loving, and truthful with others, we realize we will not be perfect. We are simply seeking to be better people ‒ to be empowered by our faith in God ‒ so we can rise above what we could ever be on our...
Aluminum's low-density, high-strength profile makes it an ideal material for OEM products that need to be lightweight and strong. But with hundreds of different alloy options, choosing the correct material for aluminum extruding can be confusing. In the design phase, OEM engineers often choose the most cost effective aluminum alloy available. But defaulting to lowest price without...
Doing things differently does not make us nervous or uneasy. It challenges us and gives us opportunities to find new ways to do things. We make the impossible, possible, by changing the way we think about manufacturing products. Our customers appreciate working with us because we provide innovative solutions to meet their design and manufacturing challenges. When asked to do...
At Alexandria Industries, our shared values – integrity, faith, mutual respect, commitment to excellence and employee well-being – hold daily personal significance. They are more than just words painted on a wall. They are guidelines for our employees to live out every day. They guide us to do the right thing. They define how we go about our work together. They are our call to...
Nothing is more frustrating... Nothing is more frustrating than your manufacturer marking up your prints after you have spent countless hours preparing them for an upcoming project. At Alexandria Industries, we want our customers to understand the reasons behind any of our recommended print changes. The following are the main reasons you may receive markups on your...
Servant Leadership: It’s not a buzzword. It’s how we lead. At Alexandria Industries, we use the Servant Leadership model to help manage our organization. This servant culture encourages our leaders to bring work issues to the forefront to discuss openly and constructively, and to always look for areas of improvement. But more importantly, it’s about serving...
At the Heart of Our Decisions According to the New Testament, Jesus made 132 public appearances. Did you know that 122 of them were in the marketplace? Looking back, 1992 was a tough year for our Alexandria Industries family. One of our well-loved employees was diagnosed with cancer. Another employee lost his young wife to leukemia less than three months after her diagnosis. A...
Early Supplier Involvement Taking a new product idea from concept to commercialization can be a long, and often times, challenging process. But when our OEM customers bring us into the development process early in the design stage, the opportunity to identify roadblocks before they become major delays, can help them speed time to market and be more successful. Earlier this year, our...
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