For those who choose it, practicing our faith in God at work is intended to help us be our best. While we strive to live every day in our faith, being patient, kind, caring, loving, and truthful with others, we realize we will not be perfect. We are simply seeking to be better people ‒ to be empowered by our faith in God ‒ so we can rise above what we could ever be on our own.
Faith at work...means we can reach out to our friends at work to ask for prayers when we or someone we love is going through a difficult time. It is heartwarming to know that our coworkers are praying for us and supporting us by checking in and helping out when we are struggling. Having this available to us at work provides us with an enormous sense of relief that we do not have to keep a definitive line drawn between our work and our personal lives and that it is okay to be human at work.
Faith at work…means our employer offers us opportunities to live and strengthen our faith through otherwise unconventional ways. We can participate in our prayer chain. We can opt-in to receive weekly faith-based email messages from our Corporate Chaplain. We can participate in a recently commissioned faith growth group, “The Me I Want to Be,” or a lunchtime Bible study group.
Faith at work…means that we are assured that our leadership will pray about the direction our organization will take, with the understanding of how each decision will affect every one of our employees.
Faith at work…means we can privately confide with our Chaplain when we are struggling with a spouse or a child or friend, and receive a God-inspired perspective.
Faith at work…means that we can love other people who are different from us, so that we can work together, be powerful together, and make a difference together.
Faith at work…means that we can push our coworkers to be the best people we can be, and if we struggle, we can count on each other to lead us down a path that will bring us to something even better!
Faith at work…means our supervisors will always be looking out for our best interest, and they truly care about us as individuals, as well as our families and loved ones.
Our faith at work is not about a Bible collecting dust in our boardroom or forcing our faith in God on other people. It means actions and activities that are made available to our employees, vendors and customers, to help us all become the people we strive to be.